Become premium member

What is a premium member?

You can come to us as a regular customer, or you can become a premium member of The annual membership entitles you to a certain number of premium services.

What exactly will you obtain in addition?

As a premium member you will obtain a distinct access to our design and manufacturing expert community.
This includes:

  • always free quotations,
  • priority customer service,
  • motor design training course participation (one session per year for one person, up to two days),
  • up to three days of consulting per year (general, design, mentoring, specification assistance or bibliographic research).

What exactly is our expert community “”?

It is a worldwide network of renowned electric motor and generator engineering and manufacturing specialists.
Our cooperation materializes daily in state-of-the-art engineering and manufacturing, design cross verifications, exchange of best practices and product integration across functions.
In becoming a member you will benefit from this directly and without hassle.

» Become a Premium member now.

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